Friday, March 18, 2011

Here We Go Like It Never Ended

Mood:  hard to say; tired, of course, but in modestly good spirits.
Hating:  the pressure and stress of school.
Loving:  how it seems as though spring has arrived!
Lip-syncing:  Bleeker Ridge -- Small Town Dead


Oh, my poor neglected blogspot blog!

I am so sorry. With school, work, and an amazing concert last weekend, I've lost track of my blogging. Well, no, that's a lie. I've actually had a few other endeavors to distract me. Not only am I in the middle of a documentary (a school assignment), and building websites (also for school), I've also gotten a Tumblr and begun feeling out a potential new blog style idea with a few international friends.
Fate and Dreams Can Collide
Feel free to head on over and follow, or just admire more of my mind's randomness; just in more of a photo format. But speaking of photos...

I like this one a lot. This isn't from last weekend, but I think it expresses how I feel about concerts well. I love physically feeling the music, and seeing the passion of the musicians onstage. It's just insanity, especially when you pair Buckcherry and Papa Roach together.

There is one more thing I want to share with you, but that will have to wait just a little bit. It hasn't quote been planned all the way through, but let's just say it will be quite the international experience once we pull it together. Stay tuned!